Saturday 3 December 2016

Remembering in Moscow

November 7 – November 13, 2016

Weeks that follow a short week always seem longer and this one started off slowly. The early part of the week was “rescued” by a two-day first aid course that included CPR and how to use an AED. I am not sure that I will be able to save you if you drop in front of me but I will try!

Friday was Remembrance Day and though we didn’t have the day off, there was a very moving ceremony at the Embassy that pretty much all Canadian and local Russian staff attended. The Ambassador outdid himself with his speech where he told everyone about the uncle of one of the Canadian staff that had been on one of the ships delivering essential supplies to the Soviet Union in the Arctic convoys of World War II.

A German U-Boat disabled his ship so he and a few other crewmen were left on-board to get the ship safely to port. They made it but he was paralyzed for three years. He received medals from the Canadian, British and Russian governments. Stephan was planning to let his cousins know that their father had been so honoured.

Remembrance Day at the Embassy
The Mucky Mucks!


After some pics and some light refreshments it was back to work for the civvies while the military folks headed off to my neighbours’ for pizza, beer and reminiscing. I joined them for a couple quick beer (1 liter beers that is!) when my work was done. We played a few games of cards before heading back to Canada Club at the Embassy. Playing catch up seems to always have the same result especially when you toss a couple glasses of wine on top of beer; I got a bit blasted and went home to sleep it off!

Saturday morning Cat was taking us on a Metro run. I have invited 14 people over for a Euchre Night and I had promised food! My menu was ambitious: escargot stuffed mushrooms, pork sate with peanut sauce, meatballs with soy-lime dressing, veggies and homemade hummus, mango pomegranate guacamole, fresh shrimp wraps with peanut sauce, honey garlic chicken wings … You get the picture.

We finally arrived home laden with food and (slightly hung-over) I started to go through the list. Luckily it is winter so I used the cold temperatures and the chairs on my balcony as a second fridge as dish after dish was finished. Cat and Eva came by between 4 and 5 and to help me get things done more or less on time.

My first guests arrived right on time at 7 and though I wasn’t quite ready I pointed them at the snacks and poured them some drinks. Before the rest of the guests arrived I had changed out of my cooking clothes while Cat mopped the kitchen floor!

The evening was fun with lots of food (and leftovers for the week!), cards and laughter but I stuck to Diet Coke after my excesses of the previous night! Actually, many of my guests were very restrained in their alcohol consumption for the same reason. I am hoping for regular card nights now that it is winter.

Sunday, I was up early (courtesy of the Diet Coke) and cleaned, did dishes and two loads of laundry before heading to the Art and Artisan Fair hosted by the American Women’s Organization at the Ritz-Carlton. A check of the Metro app told me the Red Line wasn’t running so Kerry and I walked there and back instead.

The fair had a plethora of Russian crafts, many of which I wanted and some of which I bought as presents so I can’t talk about that here!

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