Wednesday 8 February 2017

Winter in Moscow

January 23-29, 2017

Winter has a grip on Moscow that makes even hardy Canadians shiver but life goes on.  Work, meetings, training, business lunches, dinners with friends, restocking the pantry shelves.

Fadi had to do a quick run to Paris and bought some great French cheese, pates and saucissons. Because he is a great guy, he invited some of his colleagues to share in the spoils on Thursday night. The overflowing plates of goodness would have made great food porn but alas we were all much more focused on eating than taking pictures. After eating our fill of French delicacies, we enjoyed some mushroom risotto and shrimp made with love by Stephanie. After a scrumptious apple crisp served a la mode, time for a couple of games of Wizard before heading home.

Cat, Alex and I did an early Metro run Saturday morning. As usual, the three of us bought enough stuff to fill Cat’s SUV!! After putting away my loot, I grabbed a nap before heading to Robin’s for dinner. I am becoming a Yandex pro. Yandex is Russia’s answer to Uber though you can use both here.

Robin has two beautiful dogs, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels though sadly I don’t have any pictures of them either. Robin made a veritable feast of mid-eastern delights and after a great evening, she sent me home with leftovers. It doesn’t it get any better than that!

Sunday was a lazy day punctuated with laundry and some cooking to get ready for the week ahead.

Life is good!


  1. Great to hear life is good Judy. The picture of this vodka bottle is stunning.

  2. Catching up on you posts, I am really enjoying them the metro tour is fantastic.By the way when you retire you should become a restaurant reviewer.
