Saturday 8 July 2017

April 2017 – Grounded in Moscow

Back to work and feeling better every day especially if I don’t experiment too much with my diet. Sometimes my experimentation with food choices has bad outcomes but mainly I am sensible/lucky!  

The Doctor has “suggested” that I stay close to home while I am recuperating so I am in Moscow for the month including Easter instead of spending a long weekend in one of the long list of cities on my “list”. No matter, the month flies by with lots of time spent with friends and colleagues.

The first week in April, I accept an invitation to US Ambassador’s residence (Spaso House) for a concert in celebration of what would have been Ella Fitzgerald’s 100th birthday.  The concert featured three amazing singers from the US; Charenee Wade, Lakisha Jones and Capathia Jenkins. Wow, those women can really sing the blues/jazz.

On my first outcall, I had a chance to see beautiful black mink from Nova Scotia at the Blackglama Boutique in GUM with some of my MOSCO-TD colleagues. I will definitely need to buy something for myself there once my house is sold.

MOSCO-TD Ladies visiting Blackglama Boutique

Speaking of the house, my basement woes continue so I am (yet again) undertaking a "last" construction project to waterproof the basement once and for all!

Toward the end of the month, Robin and I make a visit to Danilov Monastery founded in the late 13th century by Alexander Nevsky's son Daniil. The monastery has a rich history and since 1983 has been HQ for the Russian Orthodox Church and the official residence of the Patriarch of Moscow and all the Rus'.

After touring the beautiful church and grounds, we headed to the Danilovsky Market to pick up some fresh produce and have some lunch. As usual, I chose Vietnamese – a steaming bowl of fragrant pho and a shrimp fresh roll.

Heading out on a river cruise tonight with some friends from the Embassy and their friends/family. We chose the later cruise so we could leave in the daylight and come back at night. The cruise is beautiful but the food is disappointing so I recommend eating before or after your cruise for the best experience.

Radisson Royal Hotel - One of Stalin's "Seven Sisters"
The Kremlin

Radisson - All Lit Up!
At work, Les and I continue working on our plans for May/June as my hospital stay resulted in the cancellation of our missions to Azerbaijan and Armenia. Going to be a busy couple of months.

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