Saturday 29 October 2016

Markets in Moscow

October 10-16, 2016

Monday morning Linda and I head to the airport in Barcelona and after an uneventful travel day, I'm back in Moscow. It's Thanksgiving Day but no turkey on the flights so I will have to wait for American Thanksgiving to buy a bird and have folks over for dinner. 

After a great vacation, it's back to work and business as usual; meetings, Russian lessons, discussions of Russian history and heritage. The week rushed by and before I know it Friday is here. It's time for a couple of drinks with colleagues at Canada Club with a great dinner afterwards at the local Georgian restaurant. Shashlik, salads and lemonade.

Saturday morning and there's a Metro run with Cat. Four women manage to overfill an SUV in just over an hour with groceries, alcohol and sundries. A lazy day but it's past time to finally get my apartment straightened away so I work diligently for a couple hours Saturday unpacking boxes and finding spots for my too numerous treasures. The guys from the Embassy are coming next week to hang my artwork and pictures so I need to get things ready. 

Sunday, Eva and I head over to Cat's place for brunch; a 45 minute walk to stretch our legs. The sun is out for a change so it's a bright crisp day for a walk. Cat had prepared mimosas and lots of great food (grilled cheese sandwiches, chicken sate, omelet muffins and prosciutto-wrapped pickles). The latter was amazingly tasty! 

Sated, we piled in Cat's SUV for our expedition to Ismailovo Market to do some shopping for stuff we don't need and to have a few things framed. The market is massive and the morning sun has been covered by clouds so we explore for a couple of hours and leave laden with our purchases. I will definitely need to come back to really explore the stalls where everything is on offer from gas masks to fur hats, Matryoshka dolls in all shapes and sizes, jewelry, handcrafts and food; you can buy it here. The search for my fur hat will also require a return journey as there are hundreds here. Stephanie and I likely tried on at least 100 but I need to have a better idea of what I am looking for!

Leaving Ismailovo, we are headed to another market closer to Cat's SQ - Dorogomilovsky Market. This market has row after row of butchers with hanging carcasses and pile of cuts. Worth a return trip as well.  This time we grab some pho for dinner and check out the meat and cheese stalls before heading home for a quiet evening.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh a fur hat yaaassssss yhat would be on my list for sure. Please take a pic once you secure the one you like! Don't wait too long....cold weather is coming.
