Tuesday 1 November 2016

All Settled In

October 24-30, 2016

This week was a busy one at home and work. Tuesday night, I had the chance to go to a reception for the Canada Eurasia Russia Business Association at Papa's restaurant with a number of my colleagues from the Embassy's Trade Section. The Canadian business community in Moscow is small but vibrant so it was an interesting evening. 

Thursday night, I had been invited to the US Ambassador's Residence Spaso House (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spaso_House) for a concert featuring the Clarion and PaTram Choirs. It's great to have a chance to wear my glad rags and the earlier snow had melted so no boots required.

Before the concert, there was a lovely cocktail reception with some tasty bites and great wine. It was also a great chance to catch up with my US counterpart who had arranged for me to be invited. After brief introductory remarks from the Ambassador, the PaTram Choir took the floor. 

Named for the great missionary to North America, St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow, the Patriarch Tikhon Choir is an American professional choir comprised of singers from around the world dedicated to the performance of Orthodox Christian sacred music. I wasn't sure whether I would enjoy the concert but it was clear after just a few notes that it was going to be a very enjoyable evening. The twenty or so me dressed in long black flowing robes had amazing voices especially the soloist with long flowing dark hair who we had dubbed Rasputin. Wow!

After a half dozen songs or so they were joined by the ladies and gentlemen from the Clarion Choir for a few songs before giving them the floor entirely. The Clarion Choir, established in 2006 to complement The Clarion Orchestra, is one of the leading professional vocal ensembles in the United States. My favourite part of the evening was when as an ensemble the two choirs sang the American spiritual, Wade in the Water.

After the concert and a bite of dessert, I headed home. Spaso House is truly spectacular but I took no pictures of it or the choirs so as not to be too gauche. Sorry.

Friday morning two fellows from the Embassy came over to hang up my pictures and artwork; making short work of what I expected to be a long process. Now my apartment really feels like home though there are a few spaces on the walls ripe for a Russian treasure or two. I had seen some paintings at the vendor day at the US Embassy awhile back so I may have to look for the artist's pamphlet!

My wall of peeps!
A calm place to work
Kitchy kitchen art

After spending the rest of the day at the office, it's time for the Halloween Party in the Canada Club. I've volunteered to collect cash for food sales for the early shift. Galena's menu features (cheese)burgers, fries, poutine and chicken wings.  Business is good and we are sold out in a couple of hours with some take out set aside for a snack later. The Halloween Party is popular with Embassy staff and visitors alike so there are a lot of new faces (with and without masks)!. The wine is flowing freely; too freely apparently as I found out when it was time to go home. All good, made it home and remembered that its always best to eat something when you are having a drink or two or three or ...

Saturday is a bit slow as a result of Friday night's excesses but Sunday is a bit more active with a trip to Danilovsky Market and pho for lunch. Picked up some yummy produce to make a big pot of squash and pear soup and roasted a chicken for the week. A quiet weekend in Moscow.


  1. awwwww...you took my picture with you. :-)))

    Love reading these. Living a bit vicariously through you.

  2. Mike, of course I brought your picture. It's beautiful. Come visit. My photographic skills are sadly lacking!!!
