Saturday 30 July 2016

In Transit!

July 21 - 22, 2016

Thursday morning, Nicole, Karen and I packed my bags and baggage into Karen’s van and headed to the airport. In the flurry of excitement, I forgot my jacket so we had to turn around and pick that up; luckily I am a freak about traveling so we had enough time to spare. At the airport, we wrestled my three large suitcases (aka steamer trunks!) and two carryons onto two carts. Soon enough, and, only $225 poorer, I hugged Nicole and Karen good-bye and headed through security to the Maple Leaf Lounge. 

Fully loaded (with baggage!)
Note the Heavy Baggage Stickers!
Flying longer distances with a couple connections is always an adventure and whenever possible, I try to book Business Class or as I call it Princess Class! You have a bit more space and for the long leg to Europe, there is the possibility of at least a few hours of sleep after a decent meal with good wine. 

The travel Gods often like to play with you so my 1:00 pm flight to Toronto had been cancelled on Tuesday giving me the choice between flights at noon or 2:00 pm. Wanting to build in a bit more flexibility, I chose the noon flight which meant more time in the International Lounge at Pearson but would serve me well in case there were any delays.

I was seated next to the deadheading pilot from my original flight on the Ottawa to Toronto leg of the flight. He was very nice and allowed me to talk his ear off on the short flight! We arrived in Toronto more or less on time and I followed the signs to get to the international departures without leaving the secure area. I really didn’t want to have to clear and try to repack the two laptop computers that I had managed to squeeze into my backpack!

During my three-hour sojourn in the lounge, I had a few glasses of wine while wrapping up my communications with Gavin and Ray who are helping me manage/wrap up unfinished business at home. Thanks very much guys, I know things are in good hands. Soon enough I was boarding the 777 for the hop across the pond. 

The newly updated pods were very comfortable and the entertainment system was top notch. After a meal with wine-pairing for each course, I decided it was time to “assume the position” and slept until it was time for breakfast and our imminent arrival in Frankfurt.

A room with a view
Because Russia is not in the EU, I didn’t have to clear Customs in Frankfurt and could stay within the secure area for the last leg of my trip on Lufthansa. Sadly, for some reason this flight was not in business class so I was seated in the back of the bus. Worse still, one of the ladies at the gate decided that I needed to gate check my carryon. This wouldn’t normally be a big deal but I had packed the bulk of my jewelry and other valuables in that bag so really didn’t want to lose sight of it. Nothing I said made any difference, so I abandoned my valuables and made my way to my seat somewhat dejectedly. The flight to Moscow was uneventful and we arrived more or less on time at about 1:00. I was being met by a colleague from the Trade Section at the Embassy, Corinne and an Embassy driver (Igor) whom I had warned that a large vehicle would be required to carry all of my stuff. I am pleased to report that all my luggage, including the carry-on bursting with my valuables, arrived at baggage pick-up!  

After clearing customs, we headed to the SUV to load up for the drive to my new digs. After wrestling the suitcases out of the SUV and into the elevator, we made our way to my 4th floor apartment. Opening the front door was the first hurdle with me, then Corinne and finally Igor trying to figure out the lock mechanism. Third time lucky, Igor got the door open and we went into the foyer of my Staff Quarters (SQ). My SQ is a beauteous spacious apartment located in the Golden Mile (the residential area with the highest cost per square meter in Moscow!!) which will be perfect for the many folks that had indicated that they are coming for a visit. In addition to the double bed in the guest room, there is a pull out sofa in the study and I also purchased a blow-up bed that will be coming in my sea shipment. So there is lots of room for guests.  But I digress … 

Even though I had been invited to participate in a poker tournament being held at the Embassy’s Canada Club that night and a ride had been arranged, I decided it would be more prudent to stay home (see Mom, I am a grown up at least sometimes!!), unpack my luggage and get a good night’s sleep. I did unpack my luggage but sleep was elusive even after a bowl of Kraft Dinner so I also ran the dishes from my pack up kit (a very large box of essentials provided to me temporarily until my shipments arrive) through the dishwasher in three separate loads keeping myself busy when I woke up and couldn’t get back to sleep.

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