Saturday 30 July 2016

The Long Good-Bye (aka To Russia with Love)

June 30 - July 17, 2016

My Feed Bag book with definitive evidence that I AM a Princess!!
The weeks leading up to my departure were a whirlwind of visiting, shopping and packing (and unpacking) my luggage to make sure I had all the things I would need until my shipments arrived. 

During all the craziness I was constantly reminded of how lucky I was to have such a great family, fantastic friends and supportive colleagues.  Somewhere along the way, I saw a posting on Facebook that resonated with me and that I wanted to share because, now as always, I am blessed with the people in my life and I want to thank you all for always being there no matter how my life unfolds.

Family isn't always blood. It's the people in your life who want you in theirs; the ones that accept you the way you are. The ones that would do anything to see you smile and who love you no matter what.
My Farewell Tour officially started on the eve of Canada Day when my partner-in-crime, Gavin, hosted a dinner party for many of my closest friends. Next was a quick trip to Halifax to visit with my family where I had the opportunity to connect with old friends at the 40th Reunion for the Class of 1976 at Halifax West High School. 

Susan and I
Shelly, Wendy, Rita and I

Sheila, Maureen, Wendy, Heather and I
HWHS Reunion Crew at brunch the next day

Then it was back to Ottawa to complete my “Farewell Tour". My friends had organized a series of get-togethers, large and small, that reminded me of how great my life was in Ottawa. Many thanks to all that organized and/or attended these events at Milestones, with the Feed Bags, Happy Hour at the Manx and I even managed to squeeze another great day at HOPE into my schedule. 

John, Saskia and I @Milestones
Vance and I @Milestones

Some of the "Outside" crew @ Milestones
Megan describing the Friday night specials at The Manx
Mandy and Jen @ The Manx
Many of the Manx Girls!

A great day for great causes with the usual suspects!
I look forward to seeing as many of you as I can in December when I am hoping to head to Halifax to celebrate Christmas with my family.  If you want to attend my annual Xmas Bash, be in Moscow the second Saturday in December (that's December 10) as my Xmas stuff is coming and I'm sure there will be lots of food and drink!

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